OHMYGOD. ANOTHER CELEB CAN'T DRESS PROPERLY. This one is DUMB. Even though her IQ is 160, she's DUMB. Its none other than the older Simpson sister - Jessica. The one who mistook Tuna for chicken. And the one who sang the cute "A Public Affair".
She usually looks HAWT. But I don't know. When I look at this picture, I'm like eww? Is that her? HORRIBLE STYLIST. RED HAIR. ORANGE TOP THATS SQUEEZING HER BREASTS. ITS A BIT TOO MUCH!
You can see her disgusting flab. Its like ewww. And the curly flaming hair.
A) Jessica needs blonde hair.
B) Curly = NONO for Jessica!
Urgh. Celebs need me as their color-co-ordinator. xD
Okay lets stop that for now. Schools opening tomorrow. And I don't feel like going at all. This week has gone by too fast. And this weekend rocked. I caught up with so many long-lost friends. Haha. This is so weird because..I don't know. I've just been thinking that there's 50 more days to the end of the year. And then there's 60 great days of holiday.
Then its back to school. SEC 3! Like. OHMYGOD. I'LL BE SEC 3. I'LL BE WEARING PANTS. I don't want to be Sec 3! Its....dumb. I don't want to go back! This is so disorganised. If you think of it, next year is gonna be really really different. School's gonna end 2.10 everyday. There'll be more remedial. More supplementary. More homework. AND ITS GONNA BE SO MUCH MORE WARMER. Imagine the long, hot disgusting walk to the bus stop. I can't imagine it. I'm sweating in SHORTS. Eeek. I need stuff to cool me down - WATER.
And Ace camp. ewww